Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Can you help the pandas? Yes, you can even if you don't live in China. You can still raise money for pandas because you can raise money for the World Wildlife Fund or volunteer at a zoo.

Population - There are only 2000 pandas left in the world.
Diet - The diet of a panda is only bamboo. It spends 15 to 16 hours a day eating.
Behavior - When a panda feels frightened, it puts its paws over its eyes. It mainly just sits in one spot.

Baby Pandas are born with just a little bit of fur. 
IT'S SO CUTE!!!!!!!!

A lot of baby pandas lying on the floor.

Silly baby pandas in the tree.

A cute, little, cuddly, baby panda.

The panda says, "I surrender the bamboo!".

Cute baby panda video!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

How can we help the blue macaw, we can have a club,have lot's of poster's, have a stand's to tell people what you can do to help the blue macaw.

The blue macaw eat's lot's of food's.

distinguishing features
The blue macaw has blue fathers and it has yellow around it eyes.